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Call for Workshops, Trainings, and Courses

Proposal Due Date: May 15
Organizers Notified: June 16

Workshops, trainings, and courses are professional development opportunities that provide conference attendees with a forum for learning new information, skills, and best practices. 

Proposals will be evaluated based on the clarity of the description and draft agenda, the relevance of the topic and its appeal to attendees, and available time in the congress schedule. We will contact proposers of workshops/courses with similar topics or themes to determine if those proposals can be merged.

Please have the following information ready for the online submission form:

  • Organizer contact information
  • Presenter/Instructor names and affiliations
  • Title of the training workshop, training, or course
  • Short summary for the conference program booklet and mobile app (50 words or less)
  • Description of workshop, training, or course
  • Minimum and maximum number of participants
  • Audio-visual and room requests
  • Requirements for participants (extra fees, software, materials, pre-requisites, etc.)
  • Preferred method of participation for organizers and preference for attendees (virtual and in-person)

Organizers must register for the conference and will be responsible for informing their co-instructors of the proposal’s acceptance or rejection.