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Call for Fire Circle Discussions

Proposal Due Date: May 15
Notifications of Acceptance: June 16

Fire Circles are discussion sessions focused on advancing our understanding of wildland fire topics or issues and provide time for conference attendees to network with others who have similar interests. 

Fire Circles can be designed in different ways to meet the organizer’s goals and may take the form of

  1. Roundtable discussions around a specific topic or issue
  2. Working groups developing position papers, white papers, policy pieces, management guidelines, or collaborative peer-reviewed papers; or
  3. Other efforts to explore or synthesize data or research results, discuss ideas, present scenarios, or lead role-playing exercises.

Fire Circles will be held during a 90-minute time block, and organizers can use the time within the session as they wish. The number of Fire Circles is limited, and submissions will be evaluated for inclusion based on the clarity of the description and draft agenda, the relevance of the topic and its appeal to attendees, and available time in the congress schedule. We will contact proposers of Fire Circles with similar topics or themes to determine if those proposals can be merged.

While organizers can invite specific participants to their Fire Circle, the session will also be advertised in the conference program and should remain open to all interested conference attendees. 

Please have the following information ready for the online submission form:

  • Organizer contact information
  • Title of Fire Circle
  • Short summary for the conference program booklet and mobile app (50 words or less)
  • Description (goal, desired audience, tentative agenda)
  • Does this Fire Circle complement a special session?

Organizers, co-organizers, and presenters are required to register and pay the appropriate fees for the event. There are options for reduced registration fees through volunteering and one-day registrations.